There are a few ways to add ads to your Android app. You can use an ad network, or you can use in-app advertising.

There are a few different ways to add ads to your mobile app. You can use an ad network, create your own ad unit, or integrate with a third-party ad platform.

There are a few ways to add AdMob code to an Android app:1. Use the Google Play Developer Console. In the Developer Console, go to the “Ads” tab and select your app from the list of apps. On the “AdMob” tab, under “Code,” copy and paste the following lines of code into your app’s Java file:2. Add the AdMob library to your project using Gradle:

Ads on Android apps range from free to a few dollars per day. The number of ads displayed and the type of ad will vary depending on the app.

AdMob pays $0.30 per click.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of money that an app can make from ads will vary depending on the app and the region in which it is being sold. However, some app developers report earning tens of thousands of dollars per year from ads.

There are a few ways that apps make money from ads. One way is through the use of in-app purchases. Another way is through the use of ad networks. And finally, some apps may also make money through subscriptions.

App advertising can range from a few hundred dollars per month to a few thousand. It depends on the size and type of ad, as well as the location of the app.

  1. Open the AdMob app on your device. 2. Tap the “Inject” button in the top right corner of the screen.3. Select your app from the list of apps that will be injected with ads.4. Tap “Link ID” and enter your app’s link ID.5. Tap “Link Secret” and enter your app’s secret key.

To get started with Google AdMob, you’ll first need to create a project in the AdMob Developer Portal. You can find more information on how to do that here: