You know it will happen when Apple ships iPad 2.0 next year, but clever coders are already seeking slick tricks to bring a little something like FaceTime support to existing iPad models. Sure — the iPad lacks a camera, but here’s something to keep you occupied while you wait for iPad 2.0. First you need to download and install Display Pad for Mac (and the FaceTime Mac beta). This lets you extend the screen of any Wi-Fi Mac to the iPad, so you can at least use the Apple tablet titan to see the video in your clip, all you need to do is launch the Display Pad app on your iPad. And, of course, if you install the iPhone version of Skype on your iPad you can also watch the other person’s video on your tablet’s screen. ‘Course, many now believe Apple must enable FaceTime over 3G — but at the current 464.2 kbits/s data rate for Skype video over 3G (and operators will hate that) there’s a way to go. Fret not, it will happen: I recall Jobs said FaceTime would be made available as a video calling standard, so I’d anticipate we may see some carriers move to embrace a slimline (ie not so data bandwidth intensive) version of FaceTime on their networks come iOS 5.0. Thanks to John van D.