How To Become A Life Coach?

To become a life coach, you have to decide if you want to venture into being a life coach at all. After deciding, you have to take the following steps to ensure that you can start up your business and that it will be legitimate.

How to become a life coach?

What are you good at? What exactly do you want to coach about, what aspect of life do you want to ensure that people thrive in, do you want people to live in good health, and do you want them to have an excellent professional or educational life? 

Note: also that at times, it is impossible to talk about a personal life without some other aspects. Find your niche, understand your background, and what you are convenient to talk to people about. This will help in deciding what aspect of life coaching you should learn and get certified in

Become certified- Simply speaking, you do not need a certificate to get people to listen to you. You are not becoming a physician or an accountant. But still, it is good that you become certified because it gives you a competing edge and keeps you disciplined.

Start your business- Upon certification, you should set up your life coaching career. You are not just becoming an advisor; you are also an entrepreneur. Out of due diligence, register your business, plan, market, and thrive.

Go digital- Create your website and get good equipment such as cameras, computers, etc to aid your business in the digital world

Offers- what kind of business services do you want to offer as a life coach, and what approach do you choose in dealing with your clients. Have a clear goal in mind concerning your services

Pricing- how much is your time worth, and how much is your help to people worth? As much as it is hard to place value on help rendered, it is important to know that life coaching is a business and business is business, nothing short of business.

Keep learning-  based on your area of focus, keep learning to maintain competence and to learn new developments in your niche. Have an active life coach community that you belong to, this will aid you in continuing to learn.

Advantages and disadvantages of becoming a life coach


Work from home- it is not compulsory that you have an office, you can start your life coaching business from the comfort of your house before you grow into an office space.

Small capital- most businesses require much more start-up capital than life coaching. The life coaching business costs a relatively small amount of money.

Flexible timing- you can start small and manage your own business. You can invest as much time as you can afford into the business.

Connections- you never know who you will meet in your next coaching session. Coaching business can connect you to people that will present you with life-changing opportunities.

You are your boss in life coaching. You are an entrepreneur.

Referrals- if you are good at what you do, you have the advantage of the possibility of referrals to other potential clients.

Fulfilment- you can attain fulfilment through a life coaching business. This is because the goal of your business is that you are heard and you can inspire others


Crowd- the competition in the life coaching business is so high that if you do not carefully consider and analyze the market before setting up, you might be heading for a rock.

Inconsistency in the workflow- your work is not stable. You have to set boundaries and budget depending on the work you have to do.

Criticism- your business can reach a very vast number of people. The greater your audience, the greater the criticism that your business might face.

Demands- life coaching business can be demanding. You can be called upon anytime and this makes you very unstable, you must be available 24 hours a day.


The ability to make a difference, inspire a life, or make someone happier is something that can be monetized. Find what your niche is, get certified, and start your business. Do not neglect the effect or reputation as well.

Q: Is life coaching a good business?

A: There is no bad business as long as you have a market for it. The important thing is your target audience when it comes to the life coaching business.

Q: Is there a demand for life coaches?

A: The sincere answer is no. No one will tell you they need a life coach. The demand is rather to be happier, better, save a marriage, start a business, etc. No one will immediately open up to needing a life coach but we all need someone who can make a difference in our lives and this is why there are life coaches.