There are a few different ways to answer an incoming call on a Motorola phone. You can press and hold the Answer button, or you can swipe up from the bottom of the screen to answer the call.

The Motorola call settings can be found in the Phone app under the Settings menu.

There are a few ways to answer an incoming call. One way is to answer the call by pressing the green phone button on your phone. Another way is to answer the call by pressing the talk button on your phone and saying “Hello.

The Moto G call settings can be found in the Phone app under the Call Settings menu.

There could be a few reasons why your Motorola phone is not letting you answer calls. One possibility is that you might not have the correct service plan for your phone. You might also need to check to see if your phone has been turned off or if it is in airplane mode.

There are a few reasons why you might not be able to answer your phone. Maybe the phone is in your pocket and you can’t get to it, maybe the phone is in your bag and you can’t find it, or maybe you’re deaf and can’t hear it ringing.

To set incoming calls, open the Phone app on your device and tap the three lines in the top left corner. On the “Incoming Calls” screen, tap the line you want to modify. To add a new call, tap the plus sign in the bottom right corner. To remove a call, tap the minus sign in the bottom right corner.

There are a few different ways to answer your Android phone when it rings. You can answer the call by picking it up or pressing the Answer button. You can also press the Power button to turn off your phone and then pick it up to answer the call.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to change the swipe to tap on a particular device may vary depending on the user’s individual preferences. However, some methods for changing swipe to tap on Android devices include:Go to the Settings menu and select General.Under “Swipe to answer,” select the option you want to use (swipe or tap).

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to change the swipe to tap on a particular device may vary depending on the user’s individual preferences. However, some methods for changing swipe to tap on Android devices include:Go to the Settings menu and select General.Under “Swipe to answer,” select the option you want to use (swipe or tap).