Directv strives to provide its customers with the best live TV packages at an affordable rate. Many people vote it to e better than traditional TV cable providers in the US. This article will take you through the baby steps so that you can learn to block channels, without seeking the help of others.

How to block channels on Directv?

In order to block, filter, or control the channels on Directv, you have to access the controls by going to the menu of your device. By doing so, many options will appear before you regarding the type of channels you wish to view on your device. 

If you are still unclear about the exact process that will block the unwanted channels from Directv, then below is a simple guide that will help make things more clear.

What are parental control settings?

If you have subscribed to Directv, then you will have a feature by the name of Parental Controls. This feature allows you to be in charge of what your children can view on the television. This feature got added by Directv after the need to exercise parental supervision while the kids are watching television, became apparent. However, this feature is not only intended for kids but can also be utilized by adults. Adults can utilize this feature to filter out the content that they want to watch on their devices as well as to steer clear of unwanted content that is being played on their television. There are some steps that you would have to take to enable your device’s parental control settings and block the content accordingly. 

Press the parental control settings option

The first step is to turn on your TV as well as the Directv device. After that, you have to use your remote to press the ‘Menu’ option. This will pave the way for many options that you can customize as per your liking. However, for this specific purpose, you would need to use your remote to go the ‘Parental Control’.

How to block channels?

If you want to block channels on Directv, then you have to first select parental controls. After that, scroll down and then select ‘Channel Block’. Once you have done that, a list will appear before you that will have the names of all the channels that are available to you on your Directv subscription.

From there, you can select all the channels that you wish to block from Directv. 

How to block content according to the movie ratings?

The parental controls options on your Directv are the ultimate solution to ban content from your television screens as per your liking. You can even limit the content depending upon the movie ratings. 

For this, you will need to go to the ‘Movie Ratings’ option in the ‘Parental Controls’ tab. After that, many options will become available to you to block or allow movies rated R, PG-13, PG, G, NC-17, and even X.

One point to be noted here is that by allowing a certain movie rating, you are also permitting to allow other movies that are rated below it as well.

How to block content by limiting the viewing hours?

With kids today, no there is no limit to the screen time that they are getting. So, if you want to limit the television viewing hours for your kids, Directv has got you covered. For this, you need to scroll down in the menu section to locate the ‘Viewing Hours’ option. You can then take advantage of this option to make according to your needs. For example, you can set the viewing hours for weekdays and weekends. You can even limit the time for which the television set will be on. 

How to block content according to the television ratings?

You are also given the freedom to block TV shows which are not suitable for a younger audience. You can block the content based on the ratings of those shows. To do this, you need to scroll to the ‘TV Ratings’ option in the ‘Parental Controls’ tab. Then, a list of TV shows and their subsequent ratings will appear on your screen. From there, you can check/uncheck shows as per your liking. 


All in all, it is safe to say that people who have subscribed to Directv are entitled to choose what they wish to watch on their television sets. Directv facilitates its customers to block channels and even other content by accessing the parental control option in the menu. This way, they can view what they wish hassle-free and even set the time limit for it.

You need to go to the Menu, then settings, and then press on ‘Favorite channels’. 

 Can I filter channels on Directv?

Is it possible to change the channels on Directv without a remote?

Yes, you can change the channels through a Directv app on your smartphone.